Anti-Microbial Stewardship: What Would An Audit Say About Your Aged Care Organisation?
Infection Control is certainly the phrase of the moment, and the spread of COVID-19 has shown that there is a lack of understanding by many in the aged care sector about Infection control.
No one wants to be the highlighted facility for any outbreak, whether it be COVID-19, Gastroenteritis or MRSA.
Do your staff understand what constitutes anti-microbial stewardship?
Can your team:
- Describe what could be done to minimise the use of antibiotics?
- Identify consumers at increased risk of infection?
- Act appropriately to minimise the risk for compromised consumers?
As the responsible person within an organisation, is your Outbreak Kit well-stocked or regularly checked? Is it comprehensive and sufficient to be applied immediately in the case of an emergency? Do you have vaccination records of staff to help you manage human resources in the case of an emergency?
If you or your team are not managing outbreak-related risks as well as you could be, you may be placing your facility at risk.
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