Cultural Diversity
The increasing diversity of Australian society offers opportunities and challenges for aged care providers, health care systems, and policy makers to create and deliver services to culturally diverse patients and to train and increasingly culturally diverse workforce.
With almost half of all Australians having both parents or one of them born overseas, a growing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and a range of other factors affecting the cultural makeup of our society, we are living in an increasingly diverse global community. More often, we are being called on to work, learn and teach in situations where there is more than one culture at play.
Acquiring the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to operate effectively and ethically in multicultural environments is crucial.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the meaning and importance of being culturally responsive, sensitive, and inclusive
- Consider your own unconscious biases, along with how and why they should be overcome
- Explain how you can adapt your work practice to people from different cultural backgrounds.
- Identify ways that your service can increase cultural safety for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD)
Course Code: CONCD
Standards Incorporated in this Course: 1 & 4
CPD Value: 0.25