Restraint, Pain & Wound Care: Is Your Team Ready For An Audit?
Three themes that regularly were raised by those giving evidence at the Aged Care Royal Commission were the basis of what a is now Standard 3 (3a) in the New Aged Care Quality Standards. It was a lack of understanding of restraint that was a significant factor initiating the investigation into Aged Care in 2017, unleashing a three-year tsunami of change in both residential and home-based aged care.
Despite the enormous pandemic related challenges we are facing as we enter the last half of 2020, there will be little tolerance for non-adherence to the Aged Care Standards. One of the focuses of auditors in the 20-21 period will be Standard 3 and Management Teams, and Registered Nurses are accountable for the compliance of all staff, as well as their own in-depth knowledge of the standard.
Do all of your staff know the following:
- What constitutes a restraint?
- That Psychotropic medications are a form of restraint?
- How to explain and document non-pharmaceutical restraint options prior to the use of chemical restraint?
- Whether it is appropriate to use bed rails as a type of restraint?
Is your wound care:
- in line with the Medical Officers directive?
- well documented?
- in line with evidence-based best practice?
Do you have methods to:
- effectively monitor and document pain?
- Give timely treatment of pain relief to delay pain escalation?
If you or your team don't know the answers to these questions, you could be putting your facility at risk. Create the simplest path to audit success by calling training your team with HCA Online Learning LMS.
Aged Care Quality Standards – Essential Courses
Enquire now to speak with a representative and learn more about pricing and discounts to train your whole team. Click here.